Sunday, 27 February 2011

Extended deadline to March 15th

We have extended the application deadline for NAAS Award submissions to March 15th.

Failed Trademark Application Exposes David Steadman schemes

Subject: Failed U.S. Trademark Application of Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc., and Idaho State Dept. of Education, exposes Accreditation Schemes linkd to Association of Washington School Princials, The American Academy LLC, and various state departments of education;
Ref: U.S. Patent & Trademark Reference File: S/N# 77810214                            ­­— [Evidence of  SUCCESSFUL OPPOSITION; ]                           
The recent failed U.S. Trademark application filed by Northwest Association of Accreditation Schools,Inc., (a/k/a/ The Northwest Accreditation Commission) exposes the depth and degree of accreditation fraud that the state education departments of Idaho,Utah,Oregon,Washington,Montana, Nevada, and Alaska are willing to tolerate simply to help their business partner Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc.

It is fitting that despite their best efforts to corrupt and influence the U.S. Department of Commerce, and intimidate said agency into issuing a trademark for David Steadman's outfit, the efforts were bound to fail.

Tom Luna sought to intervene and use his influence to obtain a trademark application for Northwest, and to lessen the sting of a succesful OPPOSITION proceeding launched by NAAS DEIA Agents but his best and most corrupt efforts still failed.

Federal documents allege that Mr. Tom Luna and various persons employed by him, personally, individually, and collectively sponsored, approved,  conspired with   Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc., to participate in the ill-advised  rape, molestation,  and trademark infringement of the famous NAAS label.

Despite his best acts of deceit and influence, and regardless of what spin he wishes to rely upon, the fact remains:
NAAS DEIA Agents DENIED AND PREVENTED Northwest Association of Accredited Schools,Inc. from obtaining trademark rights to their own corporate name! How about that? Wonderful!

According to U.S. Postal mail-fraud laws (we admit that these laws are not enforced against persons like David Steadman), persons who use fictitious/fake names and who impersonate other corporate entities are engaging in mail fraud. Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc., and the Idaho/Utah State Dept. of Education are responsible for facilitating the accreditation fraud of Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc. (a/k/a The Northwest Accreditation Commission)

Federal documents claim that David Steadman and his organization deceived consumers into believing that the accreditation services sold and packaged by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc. were somehow endorsed, approved, and were originated by National Academy of American Scholars (NAAS).

While the Attorney General's office of Utah was prostituting their services with con -artist Jeremy Johnson, and allowing Utah education entities to rape and molest the NAAS label, NAAS Agents were dismantling the phony 'NAAS' accreditation schemes linked to the Utah State Department of Education and the Utah Education Network.

In March of 2010,  the United States Patent & Trademark Office issued a FINAL REJECTION to the illegitimate, illegal,  and outrageous efforts of  Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc.  to further its rape and molestation of the NAAS label. Legal pleadings filed in the case by NAAS agents  assert, et alli, a violation of numerous federal laws, ethics, including, but not limited to, consumer deception,fraud, trademark infringement, etc. 

A desperate California attorney filed a legal motion that sought a Request for Reconsideration on behalf of Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc  in an attempt to convince the Trademark office to re-consider the Refusal decision.   The legal motion was countered by NAAS DEIA Agents, who filed superior legal pleadings.  Six months thereafter,  Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc.  abandoned its trademark application; and,  David Steadman  was forced to accept his legal defeat, and abandon his psychotic and  perverted lust for the ‘NAAS’ label.

In July  of 2010, NAAS Agents had commenced an OPPOSITION proceeding against Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc.  The company  sought to obtain trademark rights to Northwest Association of Accredited Schools 1917.  In October of 2010, the Trademark Office ruled that the OPPOSITION was SUSTAINED, and a Default Notice was obtained against Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc.  Shortly thereafter, the company announced it had changed its name to The Northwest Accreditation Commission. Before that, the State Education Dept. of Idaho attempted to intervene on behalf of its partner, Northwest, and a NOTICE of ALLOWANCE was issued. 

NAAS agents thus filed additional legal proceedings which required the trademark office to cancel the NOTICE of Allowance.  Ultimately,  said application  was rejected and eventually abandoned.  It was alleged that the  trademark  application filed by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc  was deceptive and unfit for registration, was designed to deceive consumers, and that said application sought to possibly legitimize accreditation schemes; all allegations went unanswered, and none were contested by applicant. 

In January of 2011, NAAS agents finalized OPPOSITION legal proceedings towards Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc. Each and every trademark/copyright application similarly  filed by  The Northwest Accreditation Commission, or any company  associated with the same, may be similarly opposed and challenged. 
All schools and institutions previously “accredited” by Northwest Association of Accredited Scams while using the NAAS label have been publicly re-labeled as mere Diploma Mills per NAAS EAS/N2 Rules; and, based upon federal rules of evidence that uncontested allegations are deemed admissions. NAAS allegationa were not timely refuted, and were not contested in the proper legal manner, and thus said allegations will be published as facts. 

Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc. was engaging in a scheme that purported to offer legitimate 'NAAS' accreditation services while in reality this woefully corrupt organization was conspiring with the education departments of Idaho,Utah,Oregon,Washington,Montana, Nevada, and Alaska to deceive U.S. consumers, parents, and students that Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc. was sponsored and endorsed and approved by National Academy of American Scholars (NAAS), and that David Steadman had secured legal rights in advance to use the NAAS label. In fact, these claims were never true.  

Monday, 7 February 2011

NAAS DEIA Agents Kill Northwest Application

Despite their best conspiratorial efforts, the official trademark application of Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc. died a humiliating death. The Idaho State Dept. of Education attempted to bribe the U.S. Trademark Office, and that effort failed. More to follow.

Beware of German-based SEDO.COM, LLC

This is a German-based company that markets and sells domain names that U.S. companies allege infringe upon their intellectual trademarks. CYBER-SQUATTING is a crime.
The Anti-Cybersquatting Piracy Act (ACPA) Lanham Act S. 43(d), 15 U.S.C. S.1125(d) prohibits the conduct of illegal fencing operations that violate the trademark rights of U.S. companies.

NAAS-NEWS Media reports rates this company with an 'F' rating. This company purchased a membership with the Boston Better Business Bureau, and was given an 'A' rating despite numerous consumer complaints. B
BBB of Eastern MA, ME, RI, & VT
290 Donald Lynch Boulevard, Suite 102
Marlborough, MA 01752-4705
Phone: 508-652-4800 | Fax: 508-652-4820