Monday, 30 April 2012
1 Piece Boutique
Sunday, 29 April 2012
However, this respect and appreciation does not mean that we will simply accept the blatant infringement of the NAAS brand.
According to their website, the National Association of Arms Show has "charted an ambitious program for the coming year. Our objective is to preserve and strengthen gun shows all across America, and we will need your help to accomplish these objectives." Correction: You are going to an NAAS License to use the trademark in the marketing and promotion of the NAAS label.
The National Association of Arms Show goes on to state: "The Obama administration has decided to wait for the right moment politically to move forward with their radical gun-control agenda...." When is the right moment to legitimize your use of the NAAS label by paying the appropriate license fee or displaying the NAAS.ORG website at all gunshows all over the country? Ok!
Wait a moment. What is more radical? a.) infringing upon a registering trademark, diluting the value of a registered trademark by linking the NAAS label to attacks upon the political policies of a U.S. President? or b.) A piece of political legislation that attempts to democratically address the concern of gun owners? The NAAS label is a registered trademark. Just like Apple, Microsoft, IBM, McDonalds, etc. What part of this fact does Robert Templeton, the so-called President of "NAAS" does not understand? Since Mr. Temple declined to obtained an official NAAS license, and apparently put his money behind his policital rhetoric that would justify his beliefs, and cause, we had no choice but to initiate legal action that resulted in the termination of his website.
Trademark Infringement is a federal criminal. If you are attempting to use the NAAS label for political causes, selling products or memberships under the NAAS label, or seeking to commercialize the NAAS brand in any way, form, or fashion, without valid approval or authorization from the registered trademark owner then it is only a matter of time that your scheme will be stopped.
Learn the lessons of others. Is public humiliation and embarrassment and the potential fines and legal fees really worth it, or do you have any intelligence or moral character to develop and create a label entirely different from labels associated with National Academy of American Scholars.??
True Democracy Requires Freedom From Fear
At a press conference to release the group’s interim report today, Pakistan senator Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo said that he is surprised to find that Malaysia, as a modern country, still has an underdeveloped electoral system.
“A country like Pakistan has introduced electronic voting long ago,” he said.
He said EC deputy chief Wan Ahmad Wan Omar (left), when met by the group members, gave non-committal answer about several reforms raised by the members.
“The EC needs to be improved. Only if the institution improves can the democracy of the country improve,” he said.
The seven-member international group, many of whom are politicians in their own countries, was invited by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to conduct the mission from April 25 to 29.
They have interviewed Umno secretary-general Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz, Bersih steering committee member Maria Chin Abdullah, Selangor MB Khalid Ibrahim, Anwar and Wan Ahmad on the election system for the Dewan Rakyat.
Wan Ahmad had told the group that “no current member of the EC team belongs to any political party”, when the group questioned the neutrality of the EC.
“(Wan Ahmad) expressed his personal views that no member of the commission ought to belong to a political party,” read the report.
This is, however, in sharp contrast to his response to Sinar Harian a few days ago in which he admitted that he is an inactive Umno member.
'Ku Nan asked whether Malaysians mature for freedom'
Meanwhile, Australian academician Clinton Fernandez noted that Tengku Adnan had asked in a meeting with the group: “Are our people (Malaysians) mature for freedom?”
Commenting on political development in Indonesia, Fernandez claimed that Tengku Adnan had said: “One of the problems with Indonesia is that there is too much freedom.”
“I find these comments disturbing, it reflects the authoritarian attitudes at the highest level of power,” he said.
India Today editorial director Mobashar Jawed Akbar also said he heard the statement with “deepest pain”.
“It is unfortunate that some voice in authority actually believes this great nation, as a template of post-colonial nations, does not deserve democracy.
“This is a statement that cannot be accepted,” he said.
In the report, the group has concurred with Bersih’s demands that the campaigning period should be extended to at least 21 days and overseas voters should be allowed to vote; while it recommends that the EC constitute its own physical verification team for voters’ status and make the 240,000 election workers as early voters.
They also mooted, among others, for the establishment of a Caretaker Convention as practised in the United Kingdom.
They are slated to publish a full report in 21 days.
Saturday, 28 April 2012
It Truly Matters ......
By and large the over 150,000 crowd were peaceful and respectful. But knowing the congregation of such a large crowd, there will be incidents. Some will mention the police car which went out of control and protesters who overturned the car. However if you view the proper video, the protesters actually protected the driver from a public lynching. The reason they overturned the car was that there was a person pinned under the car. Same incidents, different facts.
We cannot expect 100% of the crowd to be calm, there are bound to be some hotheads, and the government will try to spin it as the rakyat's fault. Look at the bigger picture everyone (that means you, the government). The people are angry, none of them were paid money to turn up, many sacrificed time and money to just make the journey. If you still cannot fathom the depth of the dissatisfaction, you are well within all our low expectations.
I have a friend who had a can of tear gas right at her feet, while walking away she cried, not because of the sting but that her heart was so dashed that the government would do this to her people. Every single one who had their faces, eyes and throats stung by tear gas will wear them as badges of honour, and all Malaysians (true Malaysians) are very proud of you.
If there were no obstacles in transportation and LRT, I think you would have seen doubled the numbers of protesters. All you cronies of government, the MCA running dogs, those who depend on the ruling government for their livelihood ... know this, your time is very short. You cannot fight against the people, when the people have truth, dignity, integrity and higher causes on their side.
What's with the razor barbed wires? How inhumane!
Who started the violence? Who came with chemical laced water trucks? Who came with batons and tear gas guns? Who came with just body, bones and spirit?
A government should know when they are not wanted. You may kick and bicker, you may use the judiciary, the public institutions, the police force, the media to do all your biding ... the more you do, the more desperate you are. YOU WILL BE LUCKY TO RETAIN ONE STATE (in West Malaysia) in the next elections, in spite of the gerrymandering and vote rigging.
What was so fucking hard to let the people to sit down at Dataran Merdeka? What were the police protecting the turf from? Its not like we are marching through the palace or Parliament! Why the need to go against the people's wishes? Do you REALLY think this is a minority movement? How fucking deluded are you?
Maybe its because we have the same government for over 50 years, and being voted out is not in their vocabulary. Well, Malaysia is still a democracy, and the very fuck we have a place called Dataran Merdeka is that we have the right to choose, and rather than trample, coerce, harass our wishes ... why not just respect our wishes. Without the people, there is no government, we put you there, we can put somebody else. Understand!
Malaysians are very nice people, it has to take a lot to get us very worked up to do something of this scale. The years of endemic corruption, the fuck care attitude towards the aspirations of Malaysians, have all come to a "I am not taking this crap anymore" level.
In many ways, I am GLAD things turned out the way it did, it will reinforce our votes and actually empower even more to be proactive to do the right thing. Like a Bollywood movie, we know how this is all going to end, and we are near it ... Bangkit Rakyat Malaysia!