Friday, 12 June 2009

NAAS Letter of Protest to USPTO

Many consumers are potential trademark thieves, may be wondering what is the legal status of the fraudulent-appearing trademark application submitted by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, and Idaho Dept. of Education (an alter ego of Northwest Association of Accredited Schools)

An official Letter of Protest was sent to United States Patent and Trademark Office via U.S. certified mail detailing the legal case authority why the United Patent and Trademark Office has no alternative but to reject the deceptive, deceitful, and bogus trademark application submitted by Dave Steadman, and his Northwest Association of Accredited Schools.

NAAS NEWS will also be producing a Video Protest against the Trademark application submitted by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools.

The Idaho Dept. of Education has apparently teamed up with a band of criminals. This state agency encourages inferior educational standards for Idaho residents, and is implicitly encouraging Idaho students that it is 'OK' to steal, decieve consumers, and engage in the crime of Trademark Infringement.

It should not be surprising that many consumers believe that National Academy of American Scholars has superior integrity and higher moral standards than the Idaho Dept of Education, and each of the other state education departments that provide funding, free advertising, endorsements, and credibility to Northwest Association of Accredited Schools. After-all, the facts are overwhelming. National Academy of American Scholars supports laws that prohibit Copyright and Trademark infringement, whereas the Idaho Dept. of Education, and their employees, do not respect such U.S. laws.

What more evidence do you need??

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