Monday, 6 July 2009

NAAS License (for companies and persons of good repute)

Is your school or intitution being run by a Bernie Madoff type character? Are you trusting your legal matters (Copyright/trademarks) to copy-cat persons? All persons or companies of good repute are urged to seek an official NAAS License.

We urge all persons and companies that believe themselves to be persons or companies of good repute, upstanding honor and integrity, to apply for and purchase an NAAS License; alternatively, the purchaser of an NAAS license need not be an active licensee, but may be a passive licensee, which means the company or person is not obligated to even display the NAAS mark on their respective website, or use the 'NAAS' mark on their company literature.

Assuming you have not yet been formally served with a civil suit, or a criminal complaint, this offer extends to all persons and companies currently depicted in any NAAS-NEWS report, or any person/company currently displaying the NAAS mark without valid authorization in violation of current U.S. Trademark/Copyright laws.

The application, approval, and purchase of an NAAS License may validate the good standing, and ethics of that person and/or company. Such facts will certainly be taken into account and reflected in our reporting, NAAS NEWS Videos, etc.

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