Thursday, 27 January 2011

Untrusted SSL Certificate; Blue Host hosting

It has been brought to our attention by several consumers that are attempting to purchase products and services at the NAAS.ORG website that they are encountering a technical issue with respect to NAAS Subscriptions. An error message claiming " uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed."

Please note that the SSL certificate is valid. The issue is a miscommunication between the RSA Key, and SSL certificate. Currently, the tool sused by BlueHost to resolve the issue is not working. The administrators of this company have pledged to resolve this issue within a matter of a few hours.

Thank you for your patience. The company responsible for fixing this issue, and the company responsible for mainataining the reliabilty of its servers and equipment, is BlueHost. We have communicated our concerns to the company, and hope that the matter will be addressed without further inconvenience to the many persons who rely upon NAAS products and services.

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