Sunday, 18 October 2009

Civil and criminal investigation of phony 'NAAS' Accredited Schools/Entities

Copy of notice sent to falsely accredited 'NAAS' schools affiliated with the education departments of Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Montana, Alaska, and Idaho.
cc:Association of Christian
Schools International (ACSI)

This electronic correspondence is being sent pursuant to NAAS EAS/N2 Rules.

This communication is authorized by public NAAS EAS/N2 Rules and represents a confirmation of that schools falsely claiming or using the NAAS label will be billed for both past and present use of the NAAS lable. Also, we announce a third defeat of Northwest Assocation of Accredited Schools, Inc.

A civil and criminal investigation of Northwest Association of Accredited Schools,
Inc, and fraudulent users of the NAAS label is ongoing. Such schools and entities that violate NAAS EAS/N2 Rules AND U.S. Trademark/Copyright laws have no legal credibility and lack general integrity. Schools and entities that have been publicly determined to be illegally using the NAAS label without authorization, or legal license, will be billed for both past unauthorized use and present usage fees.

On July 27, 2009, the United States Patent and Trademark Office officially refused
registration of the application submitted by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc, and its corporate alter ego (Idaho State Dept. of Education). The U.S. Government agreed with the legal assessment by NAAS DEIA Agents that Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc., the Idaho State Dept. of Education, and all entities falsely claiming 'NAAS' accreditiation do so without legal authority.

Foreign schools and non-U.S. citizen students using the NAAS label without consent will be subject to both public and private complaints filed with federal agencies, including the Dept. of Homeland Security since Diploma Mills and Accreditation schemes have been linked to recruiting tactics used by terrorists.

Religious schools claiming affiliation with "Jesus Christ" and adhering to so-called "Christian principles", but illegally using the NAAS label without consent will be subject to both private and public complaint letters, and formal attempts to revoke their tax-exemption status by lodging public complaints to the Internal Revenue Service for violation of Internal Revenue Codes.

Special NAAS DEIA agents have compiled a complete and accurate list of all partners,
agents, affiliates, and schools, claiming affiliation and/or accreditaton via Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc. Those schools and entites will be billed for both past and present usage of the NAAS label pursuant to public NAAS EAS/N2 Rules, and pursuant to prior case authority. A collection agency will be used if necessary to collect on accounts.

Attempts by Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc., and their band of illegal 'NAAS' affiliates to deprive the public from factual and accurate NAAS Media Reports concerning the unauthorized use of the NAAS label, and their associated attempts to deprive from the general public the facts and circumstances why the federal government refused to accept a perjured trademark application implicates all falsely accredited 'NAAS' entities.

These facts will continue to be reported, as well as facts concerning the naked disrespect of the U.S. Trademark Act by an alleged 'accrediting organization (i.e., Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Inc.), and their attempts to otherwise censor the NAAS.ORG websites from revealing these facts.

Claims that your school or organization has secured 'NAAS' Accreditation are false, untrue, worthless, and fraudulent. Your false claims will be contradicted and disputed on the Iternet, via post-cards, radio, via U.S. mail, person-to-person, and as many means and ways that are lawfully possible. Please refer to trademark laws and case authority cited in federal records against Northwest.Association of Accredited Schools.

Special NAAS User Fees are being assessed against unauthorized users of the NAAS trademark for the amount indicated in the previous invoice. Our records indicate that you were sent a billing notice for past and/or current usage of the NAAS label. As of today's date, we have not received evidence of your compliance with the terms required of unauthorized users.

We must therefore assume that your failure to address your legal responsibility is a direct admission of the public allegations posted on the NAAS News channels, and elsewhere. Thus, your school, business, or organization, will be subject to continuing legal claims and legal procedures, including, but not limited to, the classification of your entity as a Diploma Mill per NAAS EAS/N2 Rule 749.

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