Thursday 11 April 2013

College Scholarship Steering

College Scholarship Steering

Do high-paying college scholarships really exist? Of course, they do. However, you probably won't find the most lucrative college scholarships in certain scholarship search services like Scholarships.Com, or FastWeb, College-Prowler, because these college scholarship search services are associated with the National Scholarship Provider's Association (NSPA). Moreover, college scholarship search reviews of Scholarships.Com, and college scholarship search reviews of College-Prowler suggests that they engage in a form of censorship of their public facebook accounts when third-party scholarship sponsors seek to share (for free) additional scholarship and financial-aid opportunities with their fans.

If their public facebook page is being censored, is there any reason why we should not suspect that their scholarship database is also similarly censored, and that the most lucrative college scholarships are left out? All of them are fine college scholarship databases, but they are certainly not perfect college scholarship search databases, and most of them are not even mobile website friendly.

The National Scholarship Providers Association claims to be the "only national organization dedicated solely to supporting the needs of professionals administering scholarships in colleges and universities, non-profits, foundations, and businesses." Few people really know how this organization, however, really came about and its true purpose.

Middle-Man College Scholarship Promoters Encourage Steering

When you a have middle-man, college scholarship sponsorship fees are raised, and the available college scholarship funds are actually being depleting on an annual basis due to unnecessary middle-man membership fees. Needless to say, however, the best college scholarships, and the most high-paying college scholarships are least likely to appear in any scholarship search service associated with college scholarship search services that pay membership fees to middle-man organizations. Persons should be wary of middle-man college scholarship search services that were designed to "regulate" (i.e., perhaps censor) what scholarships, or grants are presented to adult students, moms, and women. Students, moms, mothers, and women have the intelligence, and wherewithal to make their own decisions about what college scholarships, grants, and financial-aid programs are suitable for themselves or their family members. College Scholarships that are steered towards paying members of middle-man organization most likely will not produce the best results or a fair pool of available lucrative college scholarships. Not all college scholarship sponsors are willing to waste scholarship funds by paying wasteful fees to organizations like National Scholarship Provider's Association.

What if Google charged college scholarship sponsors a fee to be on page#1 of Google? What if high-schools, colleges, or universities were presented a list of college scholarship sponsors, and said that the only college scholarships we will accept as valid are those that were certified by Google? Would that be fair? No. Would that help the thousands of moms, mothers, women, and intelligent students that are seeking college college scholarships? No!and Hell no!

In other words, the best college scholarship opportunities will most likely come from college sponsors that are not members of "pay-to-play" or "pay-to-promote" college scholarship organizations. Students, moms, women, and working adults should be wary of scholarship sponsors that advertise or promote memberships in middle-man organizations.

Scholarships are not novel instruments. Does a women need a third-party to tell her what to do with her body? Hell no! Therefore, you do not need any middle-man organizations, pay-to-promote, or pay-for-access-oganizations that charge scholarship sponsors fees in exchange for access to their marketing database of students, institutions, etc.

The student-loan scandal began with steering, and middle-man college-scholarship organizations, have an aura that smells like steering.

Acceptable College Scholarship Steering

The only acceptable college scholarship steering that we promote is college scholarship steering that is acceptable to and that benefits the long-range plans of the college scholarship applicant in terms of school choice, major, and area of preference of their degree(s).

For our popular Moms, and Women Scholarship opportunities, please visit our Mom's Scholarships page:
Mom College Scholarships

For our popular College Scholarship opportunities for mom, mothers, single moms, and students, please visit our College Scholarships page:
College  Scholarships

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