Saturday, 25 August 2012

Business Tip of the Month: Avoid FaceBook Ads

Purchasing a Facebook Ad is one of the worst investments a business can make. It is much better to write compelling content. Some persons believe that the FaceBook business model is based upon deceit and fraud. Motivated critics have even went so far as investigating FaceBook Ad 'clicks', and some have reached the conclusion that many Facebook ad 'clicks' are generated by suspicious bots or other automated means.

At the same time, of course, Facebook prohibits its own users from using automated bots. Facebook is like a gigantic collection of useless parts that emits a foul odor whereupon curious onlookers flock. Hence, the large number of Facebook users.

The real value of Facebook is really not much more different than a heavily-trafficked Forum board.

In due time, I would not be at all surprised that Mark Zuckerberg, the person who apparently lifted the idea of Facebook from the pockets of Harvard personnel, will be found to be little different from Lance Armstrong; a hugely successful cheater.

Let's consider the facts about FaceBook. FaceBook, Inc DOES cheat, and FaceBook is DISHONEST per an FTC ruling this year. Fearful that Facebook would disable its Facebook account, FTC personnel DID NOT fine FaceBook for violating the privacy rights of consumers. The same FTC personnel slapped Google with a record fine for a much less serious infraction.

Is Facebook slick artist Mark Zuckerberg really the Lance Aermstrong of Social Media? Be cautious before purchasing any Facebook ads. Very few Facebook users click on Facebook ads. The ad space you buy may simply be a magnet for facebook bots.

Another routine scheme used by FaceBook is the fake post. FaceBook tricks people into believing they are "posting" content on independent third-party timelines, but in reality the "posted" content is ONLY visible to the same I.P. that posted it. This tactic is called MIRAGE POST-FRAUD (failure to provide Honest Services as required by U.S. federal laws).

It is a matter of debate about the extent of FaceBook fraud. However, it is believed in some circles that FaceBook Inc fraud is extensive. For more information about Facebook, please purchase our soon-to-be-released book detailing the tactics used by Facebook Inc to cheat consumers, advertisers, and why Facebook ads are NOT effective.

Much of the details of the book come directly from a former Facebook employee, whose relative was awarded a scholarship from National Academy of American Scholars several years ago.

We believe the true value of Facebook stock is really less than $5.00.

If FaceBook were really providing a legitimate service, then it would not have to engage in desperation tactics, censorship of legitimate products, and services, and what many consider to be deceitful conduct, etc. All of these tactics and the culture of FaceBook Inc. will cause the company to fail in due time.

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